Recommended Post: Regimes Around the World Are Starting to TEAM UP (w/ Anne Applebaum) | Shield of the Republic (
Eric and Eliot welcome back Anne Applebaum, Pultizer and Duff Cooper Prize Winning author of Gulag and Red Famine and currently staff writer with The Atlantic and senior fellow at the Agora Institute at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. They discuss Anne's new book Autocracy Inc: The Dictators who Want to Run the World. They examine the threat that autocratic regimes represent to their own citizens at home and to liberal democracy abroad, the West's slowness to recognize the threat that the authoritarians represent, the excessive optimism that (after the end of the Cold War and with the advent of globalization) liberal democratic ideals would triumph without recognizing the danger that authoritarian, illiberal ideas might flow into democracies, whether or not the authoritarians think they are winning and how they measure success, Russia's role in prompting much of the authoritarian offensive and the role of western institutions in facilitating the emergence of Russia as a personalist, authoritarian mafia state, the weaknesses of the authoritarians and how the western democracies might go on the offensive against the political warfare being waged daily by the authoritarians against the democracies, and the effort to obliterate truth and promote hopelessness and cynicism in citizens in democracies and setting them against one another.

Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World:

Shield of the Republic is a Bulwark podcast co-sponsored by the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst This podcast is one hour of full hard truths. We are probably at the end of an era where liberal democracies were reigning, and authoritarian regimes and dictatorships were alone in their territories to an era where these regimes seem to be collaborating and destroying the liberal democracies by using precisely the advantages of freedom of opinion to spread their nefarious policies. This is happening now and they are operating in alliances even inside the democratic world. People is awakening to this, with many don't even knowing what to do to avoid this. We are not just talking about conflicts and wars, but the work of slowly destroying the basic foundations of liberal democracies and silencing any opposition. That is why even in what we consider liberal democracies these wrong policies are starting to really influence daily politics and the life of the citizens. Frightening isn't it? Well, we have been writing here on the different paths which our digital and now AI era can take, and the bad one is the dystopian world where citizen control, lack of freedom (for your own good, always) and concentration of power in the hands of some elites, family and friends' networks, and strong people is always at the helm. What do you think?