Watch: How to Successfully Launch an NFT Collection (
From what we have learned about the non-fungible token (NFT) market so far, it is one thing to have a quality NFT project, and it is totally another to launch it successfully.

With nine categories and over 10,000 NFT collections listed on OpenSea, the leading marketplace, NFT collections are plentiful. But what makes an NFT collection good? In this guide, we will discuss all the factors you need to consider when launching an NFT project:

00:29 - What Makes an NFT Launch Successful?
05:25 - How to Launch an NFT Collection Successfully
06:19 - The Bidding and Clearing Phases
07:49 - The Distribution Phase
08:49 - Metadata Reveal Phase

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst NFTs work the same way as any other product's type. They can be absolutely awesome, but if not properly launched and marketed they just don't get the traction to succeed. The best thing is to prepare a NFT's collection then launch it in a professional way. And now is a good moment for that as the hype is over, and for the most part, the market can't go down. Good collections will get good realistic prices, or at least we believe so. We can be wrong, of course, as we are not experts or business advisers. But, if you want to launch a collection, this podcast is very interesting to know the basics of know how. Enjoy.