Watch: Goldman: The risk that Europe doesn't have enough gas to get through the winter is a very big issue (
Samantha Dart, head of natural gas research at Goldman Sachs, discusses Europe's growing energy crisis and the potential scenarios for fuel and power prices if Gazprom doesn't fully restore operations to the Nord Stream 1 pipeline later this month.
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Gas supply from Russia to Western Europe is not granted anymore, and next week can be the beginning of bad times. All conflicts are played in different levels, from direct war to cyberwar now, political moves and in this particular case, very much energy moves. How is Europe going to react if the pending menace is a reality very soon? Anything may happen from that moment off. And even if nothing happens next week when the pipelines reopen after servicing, it doesn't mean it won't happen when Autumn or Winter arrives. This is changing the energy paradigm in Europe, even if some (including politicians with decision power) have not realised this yet.