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Watch: China v America: why universities are on the front line | The Economist (
The covid-19 pandemic could cause a massive drop in the number of Chinese students travelling abroad. That would be disastrous for many Western universities—but for the Chinese government, it is a geopolitical opportunity. Read more here:

Further reading:

Find The Economist’s most recent coverage of covid-19:

Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest covid-19 coverage:

Read about China’s college-entrance exam scandal:

Only five blind people sat China’s university entrance exam this year:

Why Australian universities were accused of trading free speech for cash:

How China is killing academic freedom in Hong Kong:

Read our article about why China bullies:

Covid-19 has focused attention on mental health in China:

How pupils can make up for lost time as schools reopen:
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The pandemic has left US colleges naked, when students discover they can get for a fraction of the cost courses online with diplomas and certificates, even from their own universities. Chinese students (usually coming from rich families or "system" families) not returning have damaged them. Colleges should ask themselves how to change and educate/train in a post Pandemic world where 4th IR is transforming everything, not blame their woes on foreign students.