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Recommended Watch: Gravitas: Anti-NATO protests erupt in Paris (
Anti-NATO protests have gripped France as the country grapples with a cost-of-living crisis. The protests come amid a strike by union workers at France's petroleum refineries. Molly Gambhir tells you how Emmanuel Macron faces a double challenge.

#NATO #France #Gravitas

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Riots, strikes, complains, demonstrations, the French are always ready to take the streets against any government in times of crisis. France is trying to get ready for the energy crisis, but the actual strike in the fuel sector is not helping at all, so tired citizens are putting the French government in dire straits. This is compounded by other popular shows in countries like Netherland, Belgium, Italy, etc. European politicians and institutions including NATO should understand that the social contract between them and their societies is coming to a complete bankruptcy, a ruin, and this is a hugely dangerous outcome if it happens. The feeling is this winter in Europe will be real hard not just for the energy crisis but because of the "citizen" reactions to all this nincompoop.